V sodelovanju z Razvojnim centrom Murska Sobota je Agencija za trženje območij dne 5. junija 2019 pripravila predstavitev projekta SMATH za predstavnike kreativnih in kulturnih industrij in institucij. V okviru predstavitve so se udeleženci seznanili z vsebino projekta kot tudi s storitvami, ki bodo na voljo podjetnikom v obdobju 2019-2020. Udeležencem je bila predstavljena tudi metodologija oblikovalskega razmišljanja (Design Thinking), ki bo uporabljena v procesu razvoja podjetniških idej.

Info day in Murska SobotaIn cooperation with Murska Sobota Development Center, the Agency for Territorial Marketing has organised a presentation of the SMATH project for representatives of the creative & cultural industries and institutions. The info day took place in Murska Sobota on June 5th, 2019. During the presentation, participants were introduced to the content of the project as well as the services that are available to entrepreneurs in the period 2019-2020. Participants were also introduced to Design Thinking methodology that will be used in the process of developing CCI business ideas.