Agencija za trženje območij je 24. maja 2019 na lokaciji umetniške domačije Soraj v Pernici izvedla prvo World-Cafe delavnico projekta SMATH za predstavnike kreativnih in kulturnih industrij. Udeležencem je bila predstavljena Design Thinking metodologija (oblikovalsko razmišljanje), ki bo uporabljena v procesu razvoja podjetniških idej. Udeleženci delavnice so na njeni osnovi definirali probleme in iskali inovativne rešitve na področju mreženja akterjev kulturnih in kreativnih industrij ter turizma.
The first World-Cafe workshop
On May 24th, 2019, the first World-Cafe workshop of the SMATH project was organised by the Agency for Territorial Marketing. The event was organised at the location of the artistic farm Soraj in Pernica near Maribor and the main target group were entrepreneurs and artists from creative /cultural industries and tourism. Participants were introduced to the Design Thinking methodology that will be used in the process of developing CCI business ideas. On the basis of the DT methodology the participants defined problems and sought innovative solutions in the field of networking the actors in cultural / creative industries and tourism.