Oblikovanje storitev se šteje za eno od ključnih komponent v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih industrijskih panogah, ki pomembno vpliva na dojemanje inovacij s strani potrošnikov. Kljub priznanemu pomenu oblikovanja storitev kulturni in ustvarjalni industriji primanjkuje sistematičnega pristopa. Pri oblikovanju storitev ustvarja kulturna dodana vrednost jedro vrednosti izdelka. V ta namen bo Agencija za trženje območij junija in septembra 2019 organiziral delavnice, za ustvarjalce in podjetnike. Na njih bodo udeleženci s pomočjo Design Thinking metode razvijali svoje projektne ideje v tržno zanimive produkte in storitve.
Design Thinking in Culture and Creative Industries
Service design is considered to be one of the key components in the cultural and creative industries and has a significant impact on the perception of consumer innovation. Despite the acknowledged importance of creating services, the cultural and creative industries lack a systematic approach. When designing services, the cultural added value creates the core of the value of the product. For this purpose, in June and September 2019the Agency for territorial Marketing will organize workshops for artists and entrepreneurs. The participants will use the Design Thinking method to develop their project ideas into marketable products and services.