18. in 19. februarja 2019 je v Atenah (Grčija) potekalo tretje srečanje partnerjev projekta SMATH. Srečanje je gostil Innovathens, vodilno vsebino pa so predstavili predstavniki univerze CaFoscari (Benetke) in se je nanašala na aktivnosti informativnih dni in delavnic za povezovanje idej na področju kulture, ustvarjalnih industrij in podjetništva.
Project meeting in Athens
On 18th and 19th of February 2019 the third meeting of the SMATH project partners took place in Athens (Greece). The meeting was hosted by Innovathens. The leading content, presented by the representatives of the CaFoscari University (Venice), was related to the activities of information days and workshops for linking ideas in the field of culture, creative industries and entrepreneurship.
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