13. maja 2019 je v Barceloni potekalo prvo srečanje znanstvenega odbora projekta SMATH. Srečanje je gostila Barcelona Activa, Predstavniki odbora, ki prihajajo večinoma iz podpornih institucij na področju kreativnih industrij, so se seznanili s ključnimi izzivi projekta in predvidenimi aktivnostmi odbora. Njihovo delovanje bo usmerjeno k oblikovanju predlogov na področju kreiranja pametnih atmosfer in povezovanju akterjev kulturnih in kreativnih industrij.
Meeting of the Scientific Committee in Barcelona
On May 13th, 2019, the first meeting of the SMATH Scientific Committee took place in Barcelona. The meeting was hosted by Barcelona Activa. The representatives of the board, coming from support institutions in the field of creative industries, were acquainted with the key challenges of the project and the planned activities of the committee. Their work will be directed towards the creation of proposals in the field of creating smart atmospheres and connecting actors of cultural and creative industries.