Projektni partner Barcelona Activa je 14. maja 2019 v centru Media TIC v Barceloni organiziral prvo SMATH projektno konferenco. Obravnavana je bila vloga kulture kot orodja za družbeno promocijo in vloga mest kot gonilne sile tega orodja. Socialni učinek kulturnih projektov na mesta je bil prikazan s praktičnimi izkušnjami podjetniških projektov na področjih socialne kohezije, urbane prenove in odgovornega turizma. Primeri dobrih praks – povezave:
V okviru dogodka se je predstavil tudi projekt SMATH, obenem pa so bili k sodelovanju povabljeni tudi umetniki in podjetja s projekti v sodelujočih regijah.
Promoting cultural and creative innovations in the Mediterranean
On May 14th, 2019, the project partner Barcelona Activa organised the first SMATH project conference at the Media TIC Center in Barcelona. The role of culture as a tool for social promotion and the role of cities as the driving force of this tool was addressed. The social impact of cultural projects on cities was demonstrated by the practical experience of entrepreneurial projects in the areas of social cohesion, urban renewal and responsible tourism.
In the framework of the event, the SMATH project was presented, while artists and companies in the participating regions were invited to participate with their projects.