Benetke | Zagreb | Maribor | Barcelona | Atene | Arles | Toulon
Kako okrepiti konkurenčnost kreativnih industrij na območju MED s strukturiranjem “pametnih atmosfer” kot inovativnega združevanja kulturnih motorjev in storitev za povečanje vrednosti? Ali želite biti obveščeni o primerih sodelovanja znotraj kreativnih industrij?
Če vas zanimajo odgovori na zgoraj omenjena vprašanja in nadaljnje pomembne teme, vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite na INFO DNEVU projekta SMATH, ki bo potekal 26. novembra 2020 ob 10.00 uri. Mednarodni strokovnjaki in predstavniki vodilnih institucij bodo zagotovili informacije o razvoju kreativnih atmosfer, pobudah EU in sofinanciranju na področju kulture s poudarkom na podpori sektorju KKI, najsodobnejšemu sektorju KKI v sodelujočih regijah. Glavni organizator dogodka je Agencije za trženje območij. Skupaj s projektni partnerji SMATH vam bomo predstavili primere najboljše prakse sodelovanja KKI v sredozemskih regijah, nato pa bo sledila panelna razprava z glavnimi govorniki.
Dogodek je posvečen KKI, strokovnjakom, raziskovalcem, podjetnikom, nacionalnim in regionalnih oblikovalcev politik, lokalnim deležnikom in podpornim institucijam na področju KKI ter vsem ostalim udeležencem, ki jih zanimajo zgoraj omenjene teme.
Prijave:, tel 041 367 202
Invitation to SMATH International Info Day
Venice | Zagreb | Maribor | Barcelona | Athens | Arles | Toulon
How to strengthen the competitiveness of creative industries in the MED area by structuring “Smart Atmospheres” as innovative clustering of cultural engines and value enhancing services? Do you want to be informed about examples of cooperation within the creative industries?
If you are interested to receive the answers to the above-mentioned questions and further relevant topics you are kindly invited to join us at the SMATH INFO DAY to be held on November 26th, 2020 at 10.00h (CET). International experts and leading institutions representatives will provide information about development of Creative Atmospheres, EU initiatives and co-financing on the field of culture with focus on support to the CCI sector, state of the art of CCI sector in participating regions. The main organizer the Agency for Territorial Marketing and SMATH project partners will present you best practice cases of CCI cooperation in Mediterranean regions, followed by a panel discussion with main speakers.
The event je dedicated to CCIs, experts, researchers, entrepreneurs, national & regional policymakers, local stakeholders and supporting institutions in the area of CCI as well as to all other participants interested in the above-mentioned topics
09.45 – 10.00 | Connecting the participants | |
10.00 – 10.05 | Welcome address by the Project Lead Partner | Mara Tognon Regione Veneto, Direction of Cultural heritage, Cultural activities and Sport |
10.05 – 10.10 | Presentation of the agenda | Zoran Hedžet ATM, project partner & moderator of the event |
10.10 – 10.30 | Creative Atmospheres: “Nurturing SMEs with Art & Culture” | Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo, Ca’ Foscari University in Venice |
10.30 – 10.50 | EU initiatives and co-financing on the field of culture, focus on support to the CCI sector | Barbara Stacher, EC, Policy Officer at DG EAC, Cultural Policy Unit |
10.50 – 11.05 | State of the art of CCI sector in Slovenia, latest development initiatives. | Natalija Medica, Ministry for Economic Development and Technology of Slovenia, Secretary at Directorate for internationalization, entrepreneurship and technology |
11.05 – 11.20 | State of the art of CCI sector in AR FVG, latest development initiatives. | Elena Mengotti, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Department for Culture and Sports |
11:20 – 12:00 | SMATH best practice cases from Italy, Slovenia and France (4 cases) | Project holders |
12:00 – 12.35 | Panel discussion with participants | Moderation by prof. Fabrizio Panozzo, Ca’ Foscari University in Venice |
12:35 | Conclusions and closure of event | Zoran Hedžet, ATM, project partner & moderator of the event |